Sunday, May 16, 2010

AI freak

Days without Garena/UCPro... Haiz. What else? Play AI loh.

Lets say... Intel range heros cannot play 1 vs 5 against 5 insanes right? Not really.

My new discovery. It's not impossible to do ownage (Mega creeps etc) using range hero without aid of cleaving strike, hp leech, etc.

Here it is. Maelstrom/Mjolnir. Since it's orb effect, we can't mix with other orb effect spells/items etc. But it is useful since it can help making AI keep consuming potions/heals/back to tower, or simply making you have better chance to do possible combos for some stacking for urn of shadows.

Other stuffs needed still in early game:
BOT to help travel/teleport
Linken to avoid some nukers like never ending mana spamming Lina/Lion/Shadow Priest etc.

Mid game for intels:
Hex for intel is fairly good though it's a solo game. Let's say, disable the disablers 1st and kill them before they start a lot of disabling abilities.

Late game:
Pump damages!!

Though not every match I can win against them, but I still stand a chance so.

Heros passing the trial:
Lina (fucking crazy passive skills mixing with high damage items)
Tormented Soul
Enchantress (orb effect cannot be used, but ulti too hurt)
Furion (easy case since he can teleport with cooldown 20 secs, and trap with about 5 secs where ai won't use chopper - doesn't work for lina/tormented soul, though)
Death Prophet (ulti is meant for grabbing tower, LOL
Faerie Dragon

Still in progress... Pugna maybe?
I wonder is dagon required for Pugna in solo game. Haha.

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